Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pinterest, Pinterest...

I keep thinking of things I want to post on here, things that I hardly have time to post.
Then I find myself foolishly wasting time on Pinterest.
Why do I do this!?
I find Pins of things that I have done for years and have thought about putting on here.
I just told a friend yesterday how I keep my kid's clothing organized.
I also told her about how I put my girl's (ages 2 and 4) tiny socks and underwear in a mesh lingerie bag. I put them in when dirty, close up the bag on laundry day, wash, dry, (all in bag still) then they are all clean and dry and TOGETHER!!!
What did I see my (awesome) niece re-Pin on Pinterest today? Of course, the mesh bags.
Someone just as genius as myself (haha) beat me to the punch and blogged or somehow got the lingerie bag full of kid's socks and underwear idea on the www and it is spreading like wildfire...Pinterest wildfire.
If you have not been so lucky to see this same Pin as I saw today (ya know, the one that made me realize I am not as genius as I thought), do it!
Do you want to have unmentionables or stinky feet evidence kept in one place?
Do you hate having to find unmentionables or socks scattered among the pants, shirts, towels?
Do you want to easily find matching socks EVERY single laundry day?
Do it!
Put those pesky socks in their place!
Put those unmentionables in their place!

The only difficult...
and I mean
thing left to do is to actually train your family to put their socks and unmentionables in those
mesh bags!
(For the kid's sakes, call them laundry bags or something not having to do with a racy subject.)
"Mom? What is lingerie?" is not exactly what you want your 6 year old child to ask you.


Over and out.
I will attempt (haha)
to get my next post done sooner than in one week...
...or two.

Til next time,
Jennifer (Mom)


  1. If it makes you feel better, I had not thought of this idea & I am not on Pinterest (not enough time!!). You could always tell your 6 year old that lingerie is their unmentionables ... it's not that far off ... lol. I think I will have to buy a sock bag next time I go shopping ... I always have a hard time finding those little bitty baby socks!! Not to mention the multiple times I have put on my sweats just to find a sock hiding (sometimes this doesn't happen until I've slept in the sweats and wake up to a sock in the bed with me).

  2. I use a lingerie bag to put my disassembled breast pump in the dishwasher :D That way I don't have to wash it by hand. I can't just put the pump in the silverware rack because it has those tiny pieces. I first started using a lingerie bag when I didn't have a silverware rack in Washington. Then when we moved in to our new place with a new and wonderful dishwasher the bag just sat there. Then I got sick of washing my pump by hand and had the brilliant idea to use the bag. It works beautifully. You're welcome to reword and repost that if you think its awesome enough. :D Also, I have totally done the sheets thing for curtains before. Not necessarily because I was being creative, just being broke and using sheets we already had.

  3. Penny, I think we're genius I have used lingerie bags in the dishwasher too. Cookie cutters, bottle parts, cake decorating supplies...
    They are so handy!
