Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Buck Stops Here!

I have a love/hate relationship with the Lysol automatic soap dispensers. 
Did you know you can refill the soap bottles? 
You will need (L-R) Lysol dispenser bottles, Lysol Dispenser, Butter Knife, and soap(s) for your dispensers. I use Dawn for the kitchen and hand soap for the bathroom and kitchen. 

Check your dispenser's motion sensor. A lot of the time I find this to be the cause of wasted soap.

 Clean off the dispenser's motion sensor with a damp cloth and nail brush or old tooth brush.

In the bottom of the dispenser I found there was a bit of soap. I don't know if it impedes functionality, but I cleaned it out anyway.

 Here they are, all in a row. Lid side up.
 You will start by popping the top off in the front or back center, as shown. The first few times you do this on a new bottle, it will be a bit difficult. You also may have lids pop off and fly across the room, so try to reign them in ;-)
 All off. Start filling them up.
 I had a little fun doing half and half. I squeezed two bottles in at the same time. The orange was thought to have been antibacterial, but I realized today it isn't. Oops.
 It gave a cool effect though. In my view, this allows you to get some antibacterial and some good feeling milk and honey or aloe soap. Depending on the mixture. I also like how it looks. Unfortunately, it does blend over time.
For the kitchen, I used Dawn. Gotta love Dawn.

Put the lids back on and return to the dispenser or put in your soap storage for when you need it.

I have a "ghost" in my house lately though, so I have been losing soap onto the dirty laundry pile below the dispenser. I have cleaned off the sensor, so it may also be the batteries tripping it.

I am debating on going back to traditional pump bottles.

So I suppose it is up to you which you refill, the Lysol bottles or the traditional pump bottles.
Either way, they are refillable.

Til Next Time,


  1. Perhaps your "ghost" is the motion sensor sensing the clothes being added to the basket.
